Q&A with Chris Froschauer - Supply Chain Manager

Q: What excites you the most about working at a company like Apex?
The opportunity to fill the gap in the satellite bus market as a high volume spacecraft provider really excites me! Apex's early-stage mindset, culture of collaboration, and quick pace has been really awesome to see. Coming from the automotive industry, I am also excited to take my experience manufacturing automobiles at high volumes and applying to Apex buses.
Q: Why are you excited about space?
I’m excited about space because there is so much unknown and so much opportunity. The space sector is going through a dramatic mindset shift and people are realizing how critical it is to our future and planets future. There is also a growing need for satellite buses in the commercial sector that is quickly coming to light as the industry rapidly grows. I am really looking forward to the next 5-10 years!
Q: You are somewhat new here at Apex. What has surprised you the most so far?
The caliber of the team & leadership. We have a great team here at Apex and I’m excited to come to work everyday and be a part of it.With the team and culture being built here at Apex I am really looking forward where we are going!
Q: Tell us a bit about what you do in your free time.
I love to spend my free time outside and being active. I really enjoy golf and try to play often. If I am not golfing on a Saturday afternoon you can catch me at the beach hanging out.